For all adults over the age of 21, recreational cannabis is now legal in 11 states. Despite its growing popularity in the United States and Europe, marijuana cultivation remains as time-consuming and inconvenient as it was before legalization. Particularly for those who want to start their own marijuana garden. You may find hundreds of how-to videos online, but you should use the trial-and-error method to figure out which strategy is ideal for you.
You can receive two or three ounces of bud from just one plant after three months if you follow our instructions and do the planting correctly. However, in order to attain such results, you must equip your garden with all the necessary equipment for a consistent cannabis harvest.
How To Find Quality Marijuana Seeds?
The first question is about what qualities to seek in a seed. It’s an excellent question. So, when you’re looking at a seed, it should be dark and sculpted in some way. An immature seed that is light green or beige should be avoided at all costs, as should fractured seeds. Important to note: most respectable breeders promise that their seeds will germinate at least 90% of the time, implying that they will sprout soon.
Best Way To Grow
You’ll almost certainly start with seeds or a rooted clone to grow your marijuana. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but most weed growers feel that working with cuttings is faster and less expensive; nevertheless, seed banks offer a considerably wider range of possibilities than clones.
Here are some of the factors to consider while deciding between seeds and cuttings:
- Larger types are available from seed breeders, whereas clones are far more difficult to come by.
- Seeds have a stronger root system than cuttings, resulting in a higher crop yield.
- Clones are identical replicas of their parents. In most situations, any health abnormalities are passed along to them. If you are a first-time grower, preventing disease and losing your plant will be difficult.
- Seeds, rather than cuttings, will give you more precise results if you are a novice grower. Growing a plant from a tiny seed may sound intimidating, but trust us when we say that you will have significantly fewer issues than clones.
What Kind of seed to Choose?
What are the best varieties of seeds to buy? The two types of seeds to look for are indica and sativa. Many breeders have crossed those to gain the greatest qualities from each, resulting in a plethora of hybrids. When it comes to seeds, there’s also the question of whether it’s a boy or a girl. So, on general, normal seeds have a 50% chance of producing females.
Females are preferred by most marijuana cultivators because they create buds, whilst males are only pollen. As a result, male cannabis is usually weeded out by breeders.
You might have a problem if you use a standard seed. When it begins to flower, you will notice that it is not a female. As a result, professional breeders create feminised seeds to ensure that 100% of the seeds on the plant are females. When growing marijuana from seed, saves a lot of time and frustration.
Characteristics Of Good Quality Seeds
Before you start growing marijuana and investing your time in this long process, you may judge how nice marijuana seed is by its appearance, just like any other product.
The difference between good and bad seeds is immediately discernible. Brown or tan seeds are the finest choices because they indicate maturity. Immature seeds, on the other hand, will be pale green, yellow, or even white.
The greatest quality seeds are large and symmetrical, whereas little and asymmetrical seeds are immature. A teardrop-shaped seed can occasionally be found, which is perfectly acceptable and indicates that the product is worth purchasing.
The seed’s shell should be rigid and solid, with no visible damage. Bad seeds have a crinkled surface and are squishy.
The aged seed will shrivel and change colour from time to time. Whether you’re concerned about the old seeds, try beginning a couple to see if they will sprout right away.