When most people think of CBD products, they think of ingestible supplements like tinctures or gummies. CBD, in another form, is soon becoming a regular home staple.
Due to its capacity to treat pain and discomfort, CBD cream has quickly moved to the top of the topical pain reliever market. CBD is used to make creams, lotions, gels, balms, and patches for use on the skin for a variety of applications. CBD can be the only ingredient in these products or it can be combined with other ingredients to boost comfort and support.
Let’s look at CBD in topical products and how you can use them to your advantage with this in mind.
What is CBD?
You may already be familiar with CBD. Still, if you’re unfamiliar with the term, CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of over 100 cannabinoid chemicals found in cannabis plants. These cannabinoids are chemicals that interact with the body’s unique cell receptors.
The endocannabinoid system is made up of substances produced by our bodies that interact with these receptors (ECS). CBD works with the endocannabinoid system to help the body cope with pain, stress, anxiety, and other issues.
CBD Cream Benefits
CBD, whether in the form of a cream or a supplement, does not induce the ‘high’ that is commonly associated with THC. Because cannabinoid receptors are prevalent in the skin, CBD in the form of a cream or topical application can be beneficial to skin health. The benefits of CBD cream (or lotion) differ, however these products are incredibly popular because to their common therapeutic effects.
- The most prevalent effect of CBD cream compositions designed to nourish dry skin is hydration. Even the most fragile or irritated regions of skin can be gently cared for with these CBD solutions. These CBD creams soothe and calm the skin and can be used on a daily basis without causing irritation.
- CBD creams and lotions can be used before applying your favourite skincare or makeup products to soothe all skin types. CBD can assist with rough, irritated spots on the face and skin, making it a great addition to any skincare routine for people of all ages.
- CBD creams can help with minor aches and pains by acting as a pain reliever. In certain cases, these products have helped to treat arthritis and other chronic inflammatory disorders. CBD creams are beneficial for the relief of small bumps and bruises, as well as muscle recovery and skin abrasion healing.